We must understand the truth on the ground and take action. The media is not telling the truth when it comes to Israel and the conflict with Gaza. Congress has taken a stand. But American people are confused about the reports they are seeing from the media. Worst of all, Americans who say they love Israel, let the media win this propaganda war against Israel because they hesitate to take action. The simple action of filling out a form or making a phone call to our Representatives makes the difference in Washington when it comes to our support for Israel and winning this war against fake news.
Truth – Hamas, a designated terrorist group, controls a small strip of land on the east coast of Israel known as the Gaza strip. Hundreds of rockets have been shot at Israeli towns from Gaza and the funds for the citizens are used to build ‘terror tunnels’ under the border. Terrorists hide the rocket launchers in hospitals, schools and apartment buildings. Hamas is famous for using their citizens as “Human Shields” when Israel is forced to retaliate.
In “Geraldo Rivera’s Anti-Israel Lies,” I gave a brief synopsis of the real truth of Gaza after Geraldo called Gaza “the world’s largest concentration camp.”
In 2005, in a “Land for Peace” deal, Israel GAVE Palestinians 100% control of the Gaza strip. Israel forcibly made every Jewish family leave their homes in Gaza, literally pulling them out of their generational homes against their will. Over 80 car bombs and bus bombs from Gaza onto Israel citizens were finally stopped by this “land for peace deal” and a security border between Gaza and Israel.
Israel left an infrastructure of buildings and greenhouses in Gaza to give the Palestinian people a start at building a viable food source, workable environment for their community. Gaza could have been, should have, been developed into a thriving resort by the sea. Instead, the Palestinians of Gaza elected a terrorist group to be their government. Hamas then proceeded to send thousands of rockets and terrorists into Israel. They forced Israel to build a security fence to stop the unbridled terrorism.
When Israel is forced to destroy the rocket launchers and defend herself against terrorism, innocents have gotten harmed because Hamas hides these rocket launchers in schools and hospitals. Hamas, assisted by liberal media, screams on the world stage “wicked Israel is killing Palestinian children.” It is the strategy of the political war on Israel.
The rockets attacks on Israel in 2016 that resulted in 2 Palestinian children being killed was an example of the use of children as Human Shields, detailed in a previous Church4Israel article “Hamas Fires Rockets from Gaza, Israel Retaliates, Hamas Gets Their Wish.” The horrific use of Palestinian women and children as Human Shields has worsened as Hamas has been able to win the sympathy of the media and use the United Nations to condemn Israel on the world stage.
This was the case again on March 30th, 2018. Hamas gathered 30,000 citizens including women and children for a “March” at the security border of Gaza and Israel. While the women and children gathered, the men, many known terrorists, shot AR-15’s, threw burning tires, Molotov Cocktails and rocks at the IDF and tried to break through the security fence.

The media of course reported “Israel fires on Palestinian protesters and 16 are killed!” The media did not say the truth that 10 of the 16 were known terrorists. The media did not report that this was a Hamas attempt to breach the security fence and infiltrate Israel.
According to a memo issued by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, “These demonstrations reportedly cost Hamas more than $15 million, including payments to Gaza citizens to attend. Instead of meeting the basic needs of its citizens, Hamas has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on terrorism, rockets and attack tunnels.”

Congress Knows the Truth, and is Taking Action. (Your Voice is Needed!)
On February 14th 2018, The U.S. House of Representatives passed unanimously 415-0 a bi-partisan bill condemning Hamas’ continued use of its citizens as Human Shields. The bill “Hamas Human Shields Prevention Act” (HR 3542) condemns the use of human shields by Hamas and mandates sanctions against those members of the terrorist group that engage in the practice.
Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) who introduced the bill in the House, urged the Senate to take action. “This weekend, Hamas purposefully used a civilian protest to stir up violence and put innocent lives at risk. I urge the Senate to pass the Hamas Human Shields Prevention Act, which condemns these actions and encourages the United Nations Security Council to impose multilateral sanctions against Hamas. We cannot allow this terrorist organization to continue to use innocent lives as shields to protect their terrorist plots.”
We need the U.S. Senate to act now and pass this important bill. It is currently in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. If enough voices will rise up and be heard, if enough calls and letters are made to Senators, we can get this bill out of the Committee and to a vote for passage.
Let’s make it easy! If you will GO TO THIS LINK, put in your address, a pre-written letter will go to your Senator.
Let the Senators know you are informed, you know the TRUTH and you are standing with Israel.
If you would like to be more involved in helping get the truth out to your church and community, please contact me at [email protected].
Robin Rowan