Hydrogen Bomb and Ballistic Missiles, Iran and North Korea are Showing Off.

On January 6, 2015, the world witnessed an interesting convergence of military showmanship by dangerous rogue nations that threaten the world, despite UN resolutions or any sanctions. Do we really need to encourage it by throwing billions of sanctions relief into the fray?

North Korea proudly announced January 5, 2016 that they have successfully tested a Hydrogen bomb. A Hydrogen bomb is a thousand times more devastating than a plutonium nuclear bomb.

The test was done underground and man-made seismic activity was confirmed, but it will be several days before the type of nuclear device can be confirmed.

Early reports from experts say that it may be a nuclear bomb with a hydrogen isotope, rather than a full hydrogen bomb, but dangerous none the less. The size is the issue. Experts believe the bomb may have been small enough to place on a ballistic missile, putting it in range of Guam and possibly the west coast of the United States.

The UN Security Council is holding emergency meetings.

On virtually the same day as the North Korea announcement, Iran revealed a second launch site for a guided ballistic missile, violating UN resolutions. On October 2014 Iran did a test launch from a different location. The October missile launch prompted the US, UK, Germany and France to ask the UN sanctions committee to investigate.

In a formal letter to the committee, the four nations said: “The launch of this missile clearly constitutes ‘activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons’ and is a ‘launch using ballistic missile technology'”.

The US Ambassador Samantha Powers has confirmed that the medium-range ballistic missile launched was “inherently capable of delivering a nuclear weapon.”

North Korea supplies Iran with Nuclear capabilities and weaponry. A delegation of Iranian scientists was reported to attend a public February 2013 nuclear test in North Korea.

Why is the main stream media giving heavy coverage to the North Korea announcement and silent about the corresponding Iranian ballistic missile announcement?

Is the timing of the two on the same day a coincidence? We can bet Israel does not think so.

Israel is in range of these ballistic missiles from Iran and is well aware that Iran has not stopped their nuclear ambitions and growth. Israel also knows the dangerous relationship between Iran and North Korea.

The Obama Administration and the rest of the P5+1 that negotiated the notorious Iran Nuclear Deal must realize the have empowered these rogue nations. Iran and North Korea have no concern of the UN Security Council or any agreements they have made with the world in the past.

The Administration cannot ignore the obvious. It is time to stand up to the Iranians and North Korea.

The UN is not doing enough and appears powerless. The US and P5+1 are feeding both North Korea and Iran’s foul intentions by ignoring Iran’s behavior and standing by the bogus Nuclear Deal. Iran has not signed it, not committed to its rules or inspections, but is still demanding all the sanctions relief. This shows weakness by the West not only to Iran, but to North Korea as well. They know there will not be consequences to their actions.

If money is released to Iran via the undeserved sanctions relief it is obvious where the money will go. It will feed the terrorism worldwide, Hezbollah, the ongoing missile program, and their control over Syria, Iraq and feeding the sectarian wars. And the released funds may very well go to North Korea for purchase of more missiles and more nuclear technology.

It’s time for the Administration to get its eyes off of political victories and on to the bigger picture. The damage being done by poor leadership may not be reversible.

Robin Rowan 1/6/2015








Robin Rowan
Robin Rowan is a recipient of the 'Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism." After many years in government oversight for U.S. Inspectors Generals, Ms. Rowan conducts extensive research and mandates truth over politics. She is a political activist for the US- Israel relationship, serving as lay lobbing leader and six years on the National Council of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). (Views expressed do not reflect views of AIPAC.) An ordained minister, she speaks to Churches of all denominations on Israel and the importance of the Christian advocacy and engagement in politics. Webinars and a weekly podcast are in development. Sponsorship of this work is encouraged.
Robin can be contacted at Church4Israel @ gmail.com.

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