Teach Your Children Truth

We have a unique opportunity in the midst of the school closures to teach our children truth.  What the schools have removed, we can now teach. As antisemitism has leaked into the walls of our schools and universities, we have an opportunity to halt the flow of hatred. Let us use the pandemic to reverse the damage that has been done in our educational system.

April 20th is Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) in Israel.

Monday, April 20 there was a live broadcast of Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony. It is the official ceremony of the Israeli government and takes place at Yad Vashem.
See below for the Ceremony, which was wonderful and has English subtitles, or click the following link  https://youtu.be/youtube.com/watch?v=fd7ZZQTeqi4 

The elimination of Israel is the end game.

The enemies of Israel are achieving it by changing the teaching of history.

Our college campuses are bombarded by anti-Israel rallies and teachings by far-left college professors. We need to educate and prepare our children before they enter Universities. They need to be ready to face the lies.

Reliving the pre-Holocaust Days

Before the Holocaust, a very similar campaign took place. As Hitler was growing his power base, a series of rumors and deceptions against the Jewish people spread across Germany and then Europe.

Rumors of Jews using the blood of Christian children in rituals, referred to as the “Blood Libel,” and other lies about the Jewish people successfully built anti-Semitism to such a fervor that Jews began to be restricted from their professions and vilified in society.

The success of this campaign is why many Christians stood by and did nothing when the Holocaust started. They did not raise their voices and object because “it was just the Jews.” Their minds were filled with so many false rumors and lies about the Jewish people that it made them indifferent to the horrors that were taking place as six million innocent Jewish people, entire families, massacred.

Iran, Islamists, the Palestinian leadership, have a new strategy with a similar end game. It sounds absurd but they are winning hearts and minds with terror. They believe that as Palestinians randomly attack and kill Israeli citizens on the streets with knives, axes, and cars ramming bus stops, when the Israel police kill the acting terrorist, the Palestinians scream to the world “The evil Israelis are killing Palestinians! The world must do something!”

The Palestinians believe the world, at least the political liberals, will support them and come to their aid. The problem is that it’s working.

The result of the anti-Israel teachings in our schools  – AOC and “The Squad”

Despite the overwhelmingly bi-partisan support of Israel in the U.S. Congress, we have new Congresswomen that are young and trained by the far-left in public school. These Congresswomen, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, also known as “The Squad” and “AOC plus three” all continue to support the Boycott, Divest and Sanction campaign and bash Israel. They have been called out over and over again for anti-Semitic remarks.

You can read more about this at “Reps Omar and Tlaib banned from Israel and Why.”


It is critical that we teach young Americans the truth. History shall not be erased. If our children are grounded in truth they may have the strength of conviction to fight the anti-Israel propaganda they will run into later. Hatred of the Jewish people has no place in America, or in the world.


Robin Rowan
Robin Rowan is a recipient of the 'Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism." After many years in government oversight for U.S. Inspectors Generals, Ms. Rowan conducts extensive research and mandates truth over politics. She is a political activist for the US- Israel relationship, serving as lay lobbing leader and six years on the National Council of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). (Views expressed do not reflect views of AIPAC.) An ordained minister, she speaks to Churches of all denominations on Israel and the importance of the Christian advocacy and engagement in politics. Webinars and a weekly podcast are in development. Sponsorship of this work is encouraged.
Robin can be contacted at Church4Israel @ gmail.com.