Your Voice Matters, it is Time to Take Action for Israel

Rep. Byrne, Robin Rowan, Shay Morton, Marsha McArthur at PC2019

Robin Rowan 3-30-2019, Updated 9-5-2020

Your Voice Matters. We pray for Israel, but action is also needed. Israel needs all our voices now in this election season. Israel IS a bi-partisan issue. Democrat or Republican, the US Congress, and Senate has historically been overwhelmingly pro-Israel. The United States relationship has never been stronger. But in 2018 we saw the election of several young Congresswomen representing the far-left Democrat party that work against Israel and even made antisemitic statements. How do we stop this from growing?

This “squad” is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. They are the minority, they do not represent all Democrats. But they are LOUD. And America can not allow this to be the beginning of the end of a very pro-Israel Congress. Their loudness and domination in the media have given them more power than they deserve.

Rep. Omar has even been awarded a seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee where she receives classified briefings on Israel. House Minority Whip Steve Scalise said on Twitter, “No one with her anti-Semitic views should be allowed to represent US foreign policy on that committee.”

The leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi, will not remove her from the committee. Historically Pelosi has been a supporter of Israel. She pushes through pro-Israel legislation. I have no explanation for why she has put Omar on this committee despite the pressure to remove her.

The ‘squad’ was even banned from entering Israel –

For more information, see “Omar and Talib banned from Israel, and Why.”

How do we make a difference? How do we keep more of these dangerous young activists from being elected to Congress? If the Republicans win back control of the House of Representatives, it will quiet them. They will lose the committee assignments and much of the power they think they have.  How do we keep their influence from spreading?

Christian Voices Matter

There are 435 Congressional Districts in the United States. The Jewish activists that speak out for Israel now live primarily in a small number of congressional districts in New York, Florida, and California. Some major cities like Atlanta have large Jewish populations that are politically active, but hundreds of congressional districts across America have no Jewish voice, a small or no Jewish population.

Christians must start speaking to their Congressmen about the importance of Israel. That means being active in campaigns, volunteering, showing up for public meetings, and letting the candidate know that you are a pro-Israel Christian.  Let them know that if elected, Israel is an important issue that you will be following and calling them on.

If Christians remain silent in the political arena, in the future, the pro-Israel stance in Congress could fade. We can not allow this to happen.

For Action Alerts and How you can have a Stronger Voice for Israel, join our Newsletter by clicking this link. 

My Story, How I Know it Matters

When I was a young girl, a teacher asked us to find magazines that had stories about terror training camps in the Middle East. We found many in Newsweek, Life, Time, and others. But the stories were in the back pages, hidden.

We were stunned and the teacher told us,

“People in faraway countries are training their children to hate America and hate Israel. If we don’t do something about it, in 20 years when these children grow up. A generation has been taught hatred; we will have a big problem. America and Israel will be attacked.”

I soon witnessed her words come to pass as the U.S. embassy in Beirut was car bombed in April 1983 and  63 people died. Soon after came the Marine Barracks bombing in Beruit Lebanon killing 241 Marines and other Americans. In 1984 the U.S. Embassy was bombed killing 24 people. Then TWA flight 847 was hijacked in 1985 with 39 Americans as hostages. In 1994 the Jewish Community Center in Argentina was bombed killing 85, and the terror continues, all at the hands of Iran and her terror proxy Hezbollah.

There are so many more to list here. The bombing of the World Trade Center was organized by Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda, but they were able to trace some of the funding to Iran as well.

The terror training camps in Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq, the terror from Iran that I had been shown to be building up as a youth became worse than I ever imagined. I became obsessed with watching, studying the Middle East. I watched Americans and Jews attacked throughout the world and I was furious at the lack of retaliation by our government.

I quickly came to realize that POLICY MATTERS.

In 2008 I had the opportunity to go into Iraq as part of an inspection team for the U.S Inspector General doing oversight over the Iraq war. I jumped at the chance because I knew that what the media was reporting was not the truth.

The terrorists planting roadside bombs, IEDs, killing American soldiers were called “insurgents.” They were not Iraqis, they were Iranian, and the media was covering it up.

I was soon on the ground and had my suspicions confirmed! It was all Iranian caches of weapons, Iranian IEDs planted by the roadside, and Iranian soldiers fighting, maiming, and killing our troops. The General of the Iranian Quds Forces, Qusem Soleimani, was directly traced to designing the IEDs that penetrated our personnel carriers, deliberately taking off the legs of our soldiers. He was also directly linked to the killing of over 500 U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

Israel designed a way to protect U.S. personnel carriers from the IEDs. Years later President Trump killed Soleimani. I cried and danced in my living room at the news of his demise!

This was a continuation of what I considered to be our 20-year war with Iran. The war now had a different name and included a few other actors including Al Queda. It was called “The Global War on Terror.”  I was awarded “The Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism” for my work in this effort as a civilian. This war is still going on today.

Policy Matters

I recognized early on how much policy matters. How strongly the Congress and Senate take a stand on issues directly affects the actions of the President and his administration.

America and Israel share the same enemy. It is a U.S national security issue, not just a prayer issue. Our policy on this issue was lacking in the past but is stronger today. This can change in just one election! Will more anti-Israel activists be elected to Congress?

Israel is on the front line of this war. Israel’s security is directly tied to U.S. national security. The partnership between the U.S. and Israel in missile defense technology, cybersecurity, and intelligence is the greatest in the world, and it must stay that way.

I know how important actions by the U.S. Congress are and the policies that are a result of those actions are critical for the long term security of Israel.

Since I returned from Iraq in 2009, I have been speaking to Congress on the policies concerning the Middle East, Israel, and the U.S. Israel relationship.  I attend the AIPAC Policy Conference every year to get in-depth training from the top experts in the world. In three days I receive, along with over 19,000 other pro-Israel activists, the behind-the-scenes of Israel’s security situation from the top experts in the world, the new innovations coming out of Israel, and how America is assisting Israel on many fronts. I have recruited dozens of Pastors and leaders to attend this conference with me, many of which are strong active voices to Congress today.

Out of 19,000 attendees of the top activists for Israel, there are still only 280-400 Christians. To me that is stunning. I am determined to change that!

I now have served on the National Council of AIPAC for seven years. It is a lay activist position, which means it is unpaid, all on my own time and expense. I go to DC often, whenever I am called, for important issues, to speak to Congress. (Disclosure – My writings are independent and do not reflect the views of AIPAC.)

You Never Know When the Lord will Show You Impact

In 2019 in the Expo Hall at the Policy Conference, in the Washington DC Convention Center, there was an actual Iron Dome missile defense system on display. AIPAC had rallied support for years behind the U.S. partnership in the Iron Dome, that shoots missiles from the skies fired at Israel. I had lobbied for this for many years and it was thrilling to see it in person.

As I stood next to the Iron Dome, my phone vibrated and got my attention. I opened it to find the “Red Alert” app humming, alerting my phone that missiles were being fired from Gaza into Israel. Here I was, filming a video next to the Iron Dome on display, at the same time hearing the alerts going off in Israel through my phone. It was surreal.

Watch this video –

As soon as I finished filming this my phone kept vibrating! I thought my goodness that’s a lot of rockets and alerts in Israel!. Then I noticed my phone also had many sudden texts coming in from friends that were attending other sessions throughout the convention center.

“You are on the screen!” “They have you in a video!” texts were coming in.  I was shocked to find out that in several of the large ‘Showcase Sessions’ I was featured in a video giving a “Your Voice Matters” message. The Lord had placed that message in my heart so strongly years ago. I did not know AIPAC had picked it up, edited it, and made a video. I didn’t remember filming it!

The video was shown in a session on the upper floors of the convention center just after Senator Lindsey Graham spoke live from the stage. At the same time, down in the AIPAC Village, the featured video was shown in a Showcase Session, right before Senator Ted Cruz took the stage.

I had been filmed several times over the 10 years of being heavily involved via AIPAC in speaking to Congress about Israel. I did not know they pulled out this small segment that had been filmed years before and titled it. The timing was important.

The Lord is emphasizing how truly important Your Voice Matters is.

2020 will be critical for the U.S. – Israel Relationship

The Lord is speaking powerfully to us in this hour. It is time to take our stand for Israel and the Jewish people as never before.

The pro-Israel Christian community MUST get educated on U.S.Israel policy and develop relationships with our Representatives. All of us can simply let Congressional candidates know we support Israel, that it matters. They need to know we are watching and speaking up.

Be a voice for Israel. The long-term relationship with Israel is at risk. And it is as simple as showing up at events or picking up a phone. Church4Israel will continue to send out action alerts and information on policies as they come up.

For Action Alerts and How you can have a Stronger Voice for Israel, join our Newsletter by clicking this link. 

American Christians must be educated on policy, how Congress works, and have an effective voice to the House and Senate. Ebooks and Training by Video are in the works, but we need support for this work.

Please consider DONATING to this important work today.


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Robin with Senator Tim Scott







With Congressman Mike Rogers (middle) and friends








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Robin Rowan
Robin Rowan is a recipient of the 'Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism." After many years in government oversight for U.S. Inspectors Generals, Ms. Rowan conducts extensive research and mandates truth over politics. She is a political activist for the US- Israel relationship, serving as lay lobbing leader and six years on the National Council of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). (Views expressed do not reflect views of AIPAC.) An ordained minister, she speaks to Churches of all denominations on Israel and the importance of the Christian advocacy and engagement in politics. Webinars and a weekly podcast are in development. Sponsorship of this work is encouraged.
Robin can be contacted at Church4Israel @

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