Four rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza yesterday, March 12th, 2016, just days after a Vanderbilt graduate student was killed in one of multiple terror attacks across Israel by Palestinians.It is eerily similar to the previous summer when three teenagers, including a dual American citizen, were kidnaped and murdered in Judea Samaria (the West Bank.) That horrific terror attack was quickly followed by rockets from Gaza which lasted for months and required Israel to hit back by air and eventually with ground forces.
In barrage of rocket attacks by Hamas in May – November 2015, Hamas had purposefully located their rocket launchers near schools and hospitals and used children as human shields. They even went as far as to make live children lay on the ground under sheets, playing dead when the press came near, so that the media would be fooled into buying their false propaganda that the IDF were baby killers. Using women and children as human shields, lying about the numbers killed, was proven and Hamas was condemned by the international community and the United States Congress.
Now two children, ages 10 and 6, were reportedly killed by the IDF while firing at Hamas targets in Gaza. Hamas quickly took to the airwaves stating; “Our patience towards the occupation’s crimes has hit a limit.”

Israel does not “occupy” Gaza. Israel turned the Gaza strip over to the Arabs (Palestinians) back in 2005 in a “deal for peace.” Jewish families that had lived there for generations were forcibly evicted so that not one Jewish resident remained. Immediately after Israel gave the Arabs, the “Palestinians,” in Gaza the land, the Palestinians destroyed the greenhouses and infrastructure, and the suicide bombings and terrorism on Israel began. They soon elected Hamas, an internationally designated terror organization, heavily funded by Iran, as their governmental authority.
The terrorism from Gaza has been continuous, lessened with fences and walls, checkpoints to monitor who comes and goes in an attempt to keep the terrorist out of Israel. The rocket attacks are the main source of attack, raining down mortars on Jewish neighborhoods in southern Israel.
Now the rockets fly once again, aimed at innocent Israelis who were forced to spend the last summer diving into bomb shelters.
To further their terrorism, on March 11 Hamas managed to break into the Channel 2 (Israel) broadcast of “Big Brother” with a video threatening more terror attacks. One of the messages read in Hebrew and Arabic, “Run for your lives and get out of our country” while images of past terror attacks filled up the screen. It followed with a photo of a well-known terrorist and the message: “Stay in your homes. The story isn’t over. To be continued.”

The next weeks will be interesting, but we will not fear. Friends in Israel report that despite the daily stabbing attacks by Palestinian “terror teens,” tourism has not ceased, and the Israelis are going about their daily lives. Stronger than ever, they will not let the terrorist win.
The most substantial fight we have in the West is against the propaganda. The anti-Semitism throughout Europe and the United States, disguised as anger at Israel, will unfortunately grow as the masses are exposed to lies of Israel’s enemies.
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