The Iran Deal. We Must Break the Silence of the Church.

Friends of Israel and Patriots,

As I write this to you I am in Washington DC. I should be on the road home, but I have to talk to you first.

I just completed emergency meetings and lobbying yesterday, on the horrendous deal with Iran that President Obama and SOS Kerry have ‘negotiated’.

I have to tell you that after all the prayers and meetings and lobbying and work to stand with and protect Israel and US National Security over the last 20 years…..

It all comes down to THIS ONE MOMENT IN TIME.

This is the most critical thing we have ever done, or not done.

It all comes down to this….one….vote.

Friends, we are in  trouble, and there is something YOU can do, we ALL must do.

I am attaching, with permission of AIPAC, a 20 page booklet  with everything you should know about the Iran deal. It was given to me to prep for our Lobbying appointments on Capitol Hill yesterday. They have given me permission to share it with you. If you share it with others, I request that you keep it in our community, among friends, and keep this email with it.

Iran Deal facts book

Even though the US Congress and Senate have given overwhelmingly bi-partisan support of Israel in the past, passed multiple sanctions against Iran over the years, passed so much help to Israel,  and have stated multiple times that
it is the policy of the United States to prevent Iran from acquiring the means to obtain a nuclear weapon, THIS DEAL KILLS ALL OF IT. This deal is in direct contradiction of all US Policy on Israel and Iran passed the last several years!!

We have enough votes to kill the deal, but we must have a veto proof majority. That means EVERY vote counts, especially Democrat votes.  The President is putting unbelievable pressure on the Democrats, especially those up for re-election in 2016. But guess what, you are the ones that elect them, you are the ones they work for.

We can’t say, “well I know my representative are against it,” and leave it at that. NO. You know Pastors in other areas that have Democrat representatives. Help us mobilize all of them! The CHURCH has to be the one to do this! Do this alongside our Jewish brothers!

Yesterday, a Chief of Staff of one of our top Senators told me passionately, his fist was pounding on the table,

“You have to MOBILIZE. This is IT!”

He said we need teams, 10-15 or more people to be camped out in front of, and inside, the district offices of the Democrat Congressmen and Senators, demanding to meet with the people in charge, not assistants. This needs to happen during the week of September 8-11 and the 14th. This is when they get back to DC after recess and will be debating and voting on the Iran agreement. If they don’t meet with the group, or give a hard time, video tape it on camera and post it, send it to Fox News, get the news media there. The pressure HAS to go on. We are to be nice, and civil, and thank them for their past support

We also needs as many as possible to be at all appearances the Reps and Senators make when they are in their districts in August.

We must be out in numbers and highly visible! We need all Pastors and pro-Israel Christians to mobilize.

 I am asking ALL pro-Israel organizations, ministries and task forces to come together for this effort.

I am setting up a “Partners” area, password protected area to use to help connect groups in States. I also recommend joining “The Oak Initiative“, a national grassroots organization affiliated with MorningStar Ministries, It reaches across all denominations and a is non-partisan, Christian grass roots mobilization.

Let’s mobilize. Are you ready? Are you ready to make a difference for Israel and US National Security, when it really counts?

IT IS TIME. We can no longer be silent.

For such a time as this,

Robin Rowan


Robin Rowan
Robin Rowan is a recipient of the 'Secretary of Defense Medal for the Global War on Terrorism." After many years in government oversight for U.S. Inspectors Generals, Ms. Rowan conducts extensive research and mandates truth over politics. She is a political activist for the US- Israel relationship, serving as lay lobbing leader and six years on the National Council of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). (Views expressed do not reflect views of AIPAC.) An ordained minister, she speaks to Churches of all denominations on Israel and the importance of the Christian advocacy and engagement in politics. Webinars and a weekly podcast are in development. Sponsorship of this work is encouraged.
Robin can be contacted at Church4Israel @