Church4Israel – About Us

Church4Israel is not a building where people gather. We are an educational ministry representing a body of believers, the Ekklesia,  that stands against anti-Semitism. We educate, pray and take action for the safety and security of Israel and the Jewish people.

Knowledge, Prayer and Action

Ester called the Jews to pray as Haman was planning to annihilate the Jews in the land. But Ester still had to risk everything to take her case before the King. She had to take action and have her voice heard. Only the leadership hearing her case could stop the elimination of the Jewish people. Moses did the same. At risk of his life, he went before the Pharoh to make the case to save the Jewish people.

“Let the Christian Church in America be an Ester for such a time as this.”

The Church must have wisdom in these matters to know how to pray strategically, take action and have our voice heard.

Most importantly, Christians in America shall not fall into anti-Semitism. With education, knowledge, we can fight the deception that has become far too common today.

Church for Israel was birthed to educate the Church body of all denominations about the deceptions concerning the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. A new attempted holocaust is underway. The church must see it for what it is, pray strategically and unlike the past, not fall for deception, but instead take action to stand up for the Jewish people.

Donations to this work are needed and appreciated. See our Donate page for monthly giving. 

Fighting Terrorism

In the late 1970s, a teacher instructed us to investigate how terror training camps were rising in the Middle East. She said, ‘They are raising their children to hate us and Israel. If we don’t do something, in 30 years we will pay a price.’ I never forgot.

With the 1983 Marine Barracks bombing, the 1996 Kobar Towers bombing, and more, I witnessed Iran’s attacks on America. I developed a passion for the Middle East and the consequences of policy. Then came 9/11, proving my teacher’s words.

Later, I was able to serve in Iraq, witnessing first hand Iran’s attacks on our soldiers.  I was awarded the Secretary of Defence Medal for the Global War on Terrorism.  I have never taken my eye off the war against this enemy.

Israel is on the front lines of this battle.  We share the same enemy. The battle of this worldwide perpetrator of terror continues every day, though not seen by average Americans. As a Christian, as a proud American concerned about our national security, the security of Israel on the front lines cannot be taken lightly. It affects all of us. Policy Matters.

Truth on the Ground in Israel

During a trip to Israel a few years ago, I was taken to a new depth of knowledge as I stood at the Golan Heights overlooking Syria. We were in Israel, but just 20 miles from Damascus. The next day I stood at the Gaza border, where a few short years before terrorists had crossed into Israel to blow up buses of innocent civilians, and where the rockets had, and would shortly after my visit, fly again by the hundreds onto the Jewish towns and neighborhoods.

I witnessed how tiny this nation was. I knew the centuries of enemies that continually attempting to destroy the nation and her people. The very people that the Lord chose to bring forth His son, Jesus, for the redemption of man.

I then found myself standing at a  bus stop Bomb Shelter, riddled with shrapnel pot marks. The bomb shelter had recently saved many lives from one of the daily terror attacks on local Jewish families.

We were being briefed by a Rabbi who was a scribe. The Rabbi had ascribed, written on a scroll, the book of Esther. As he read, the Spirit of God fell on the group. Suddenly it came upon us the weightiness of what we had witnessed the previous few days. It all came together in a single moment, and I said out loud with tears in my eyes “In THIS day, for such a time as this, it shall be the Christians in America that will come forth and stand to protect the Jewish people!”

The group, 25 Pastors and Christian leaders, spontaneously came into a circle, laid hands on the Rabbi and prayed.

The vision of Church4Israel was birthed at that moment. To Educate the Christian community, regardless of denomination, on the truths of Israel and to fight the propaganda, the anti-Semitism, of those that want Israel destroyed.

This War has 3 Fronts

The Land War

Israel is under greater attack than ever before. In addition to the daily attacks on Jews within Israel by stabbing attacks and other terrorism, Israel faces rockets from Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon, and the nuclear threat from Iran.

The Propaganda War

Anti-Semitism is on the rise across the globe as a result of a propaganda war against Israel and the Jewish people. The BDS movement is a result of horrific lies being told about Israel, a nation that values freedom of all religions, has Muslims in government leadership, on the Supreme Court, in business leadership and protects women’s rights. Yet the propaganda lie is that Israel is an “Apartheid” state and it kills innocent Muslims. The enemies of Israel turn the truth upside down and call Israel the terrorists and violator of human rights. This while innocent Jews are stabbed in the streets and bombs reign from the sky upon their neighborhoods.  When Israel defends herself the world screams that Israel is attacking.

The Political War

Israel is under a political attack set out to hurt her economically. The BDS movement, Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement, is a political war against Israel to weaken her.

A new wave of antisemitism and Jewish persecution is spreading like wildfire across the globe and in America. It is started out of anti-Israel rhetoric by enemies of Israel and perpetrated by the BDS movement. Unfortunately, it is taught and accepted on America’s college campuses by the far left ideologies of professors. Students are intimidated by this radical far left movement and are too often accepting the lies.

As Christians in America, we can help fight the ground war by speaking up to our congressional leadership to encourage America’s support. We must walk in knowledge and have a voice to fight the propaganda and political war Israel faces as well. Attacking this from all three fronts, we can stop the anti-Semitism and protect Israel and the Jewish people from these attacks.

Church for Israel is an Educational Ministry under Authority Ministries and has applied for 501c8 status with the IRS as a Fraternal and educational not-for-profit organization.

Church4Israel was founded by Robin Rowan. She is open for speaking engagements and can be reached at [email protected]

Donations to this work are needed and appreciated. 


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